Moldova: social insurance budget approved

The parliament has approved of the state social insurance budget in the first reading with the revenue and expenditures amounting to MDL 16,410,670,200. The revenue of the state social insurance budget will increase by MDL 1,464,985,900 or by 9.8% against the revenue approved for 2016; the expenditures will grow by MDL 1,434,575,400 or by 9.6%…

Ukraine: Ukrtransgaz to announce new tender to reconstruct compressor stations

Pubic joint-stock company Ukrtransgaz would announce a new tender to reconstruct compressor stations after revising the top priority directions for modernization of the Ukrainian gas transport system, Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman said. “All procedures (the tender to reconstruct Ananiev, Zadniprovska and Pivdennobuhska compressor stations) were held, but Naftogaz made another decision in the issue…

Moldova: economy to grow

The growth of the Moldovan economy will restore, but the quality of this growth will worsen in 2016-2017, Expert-Grup forecast says. According to another edition of research “MEGA – Analysis of the economic growth in Moldova”, which the Independent Analytical Center submits twice a year, Moldova’s GDP growth in 2016 will be 3.4%, in 2017…

Ukraine: the exports of organic wheat up

According to the official customs statistics, in July-November Ukraine exported 34.2 thousand tons of organic wheat, up by 22% YoY. In the current season Germany (30% of the general volumes), the United Kingdom (22%), the Netherlands (15%) and Italy (14%) became the main countries-importers of the Ukrainian grain. In the reporting period Ukraine shipped organic…