Ukraine: barley exports up in 2016-2017

According to the official statistics figures, in 2016-2017 MY Ukraine exported 5.35 million tons of barley, up by 21% YoY (4.41 million tons), which became the highest rate for the country in seven recent years. In the season 2016-2017, Saudi Arabia (42% of the general supplies) and Libya (18%) were the main importers of Ukrainian…

Uzbekistan: S&P affirms Ipoteka Bank’s rating

S&P Global Ratings affirmed its “B+/B” long- and short-term counterparty credit ratings on Ipoteka Bank JSCM. The outlook is stable. The affirmation reflects S&P’s view that over the past two months Ipoteka Bank’s capitalization has significantly improved on the back of support received from the government of about Uzbekistani sum (UZS) 380.8 billion (about $95…