Estonia: labor market deteriorating

A total of 2,059 newly unemployed persons registered with the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund (Tootukassa) last week. According to Deputy Secretary General on Labor and Employment Policy Sten Andreas Erlich, the labor market is deteriorating. 40,125 people were registered unemployed in Estonia as of March 29. The number of newly registered unemployed last week was…

Kazakhstan: UzAuto Motors cars production launched

LLP SaryarkaAutoProm has launched production of UzAuto Motors vehicles under the Chevrolet brand, UzA reports. In recent years, thanks to the strong political will and regular dialogues of the Presidents of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, relations between the two countries have been strengthened and developed at a qualitatively new level. Establishment in Kazakhstan’s Kostanay city of…

Ukraine: flour production to increase

The State Food and Grain Corporation of Ukraine (SFGCU) is launching flour production at four of its own enterprises to cover demand on the domestic market during the quarantine period. “SFGCU is ready to work on ensuring the country’s food security during the quarantine period amid the fight against COVID-19. As early as this week,…