Ukraine: soybean exports to reach a new record

In June soybean exports from Ukraine reached 236.9 KMT against 170.6 KMT in June 2015. During the current season 2015/2016 (September-June) Ukraine supplied 2178.4 KMT of soybean to foreign markets, decreasing the spread lag compared to previous season to 3.7%. Taking into account stable exports during the last four months, it’s very likely that the…

Ukraine: new online tool for investment climate evaluation

Insight into investment climate of the country may considerably improve efficiency of business planning and calculation of project profitability. Consulting agency UkrAgroConsult has created a new tool providing information on capital investments amount by Ukrainian region. Interactive map makes it possible to evaluate the investment amount in a certain region over the past few years.…

Belarus: more preferences promised to China-Belarus industrial park resident companies

Belarus intends to offer even more preferences to resident companies of the China-Belarus industrial park Great Stone. Belarusian Economy Minister Vladimir Zinovsky made the statement before the session of the Belarusian-Chinese intergovernmental committee on cooperation on August 18. “We are preparing a draft presidential decree that will introduce serious changes into the document that regulates…