Ukraine: Yuzhnoye Design Office looses $800 million following Brazil’s contract termination

Losses bourn by Ukraine because of the unilateral termination of the Cyclone-4 contract by Brazil can reach about $800 million, the press service of Yuzhnoye State Design Office has said. “According to preliminary estimates, Yuzhnoye Design Office losses could amount to roughly $800 million because of the unilateral contract termination by Brazil”, the report has…

Azerbaijan and Afghanistan mull creation of joint enterprises

Azerbaijan and Afghanistan discussed the creation of joint enterprises to produce food products, said Azerbaijan’s Economy Ministry. The discussions were held within the meeting of Azerbaijan’s Economy Minister Shahin Mustafayev with Afghanistan’s Ambassador to Azerbaijan Mohammad Taqi Khalili. The economic cooperation between the two countries and other issues of mutual interest were also discussed during…

Uzbekistan: GDP up in H1 2016

Gross domestic product (GDP) of Uzbekistan grew by 7.8% in January-June, the session of the Cabinet of Ministers said on July 15. Industrial production in Uzbekistan rose by 6.7% in the first half of 2016, agriculture output by 6.8%, services by 12.9% and construction works by 17.5%. State budget was executed with 0.1% surplus to…