Latvia: Saeima refuses to give municipalities right to fully restrict gambling

Latvian parliament’s Public Administration and Local Government Committee decided to not support the proposal for giving municipalities the right to fully restrict gambling activities within their respective territories. The proposal was submitted by Seaima deputy Viktors Valainis prior to the third reading of the Law on Local Governments. He proposed “issuing commercial permits and licenses,…

Poland: sanctions inflicting pain on Russia

Western sanctions on Russia are inflicting increasing economic pain, Mateusz Morawiecki, the Polish prime minister, has said. Morawiecki made the claim upon the conclusion of an EU summit in Brussels on May 31 where EU leaders agreed on an oil embargo against Russia, hitting at the foundations of the country’s economy. “The sanctions are slowly…

Latvia: GDP up in Q1 2022

Compared to Q1 2021, gross domestic product (GDP) rose by 6.7% in Q1 2022, according to seasonally and calendar non-adjusted data at constant prices. GDP at current prices was EUR 8.1 billion. As compared to the previous quarter, GDP went up by 3.6% (according to seasonally and calendar adjusted data at constant prices). Compared to…