Lithuania: film industry booming despite pandemic

Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, film industry in Lithuania reported record-setting investments in 2020, the Lithuanian Film Centre said. Swedish TV series were among the biggest productions. International film producers spent almost 27 million euros in Lithuania last year, up from 15 million euros in 2019. Meanwhile Lithuanian producers raised 11.3 million euros from local companies…

Ukraine: exports to Vietnam up in 2020

In 2020, Ukrainian exports to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (SRV) increased by 92%, to $184.5 million. The countries agreed to resume work on a free trade agreement (FTA), Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture – Trade Representative of Ukraine Taras Kachka wrote on his Facebook page following a meeting of the Ukrainian-Vietnamese…

Latvia: Riga city council members’ wages to be increased

Looking at the budget, Riga City Council Finance and Administrative Affairs Committee supported increasing wages for the city council chairman, vice-chairmen, heads of committees and deputies instead of freezing the wage increase process similarly to other municipalities and state institutions. The proposal to freeze the increase of wages was suggested by members of Harmony political…

Ukraine: retail trade up in 2020

Retail trade in Ukraine grew by 8.4% in comparable prices in 2020 against 2019. Retail turnover increased the most in Kyiv region (by 18.7%), Zaporizhia region (by 15.7%) and Chernihiv region (by 14.2%), according to the Ukrainian State Statistics Service. Meanwhile, the turnover dropped by 2.7% only in Zakarpattia region, the report said. Retail trade…