Belarus: companies’ equity capital up in January-July 2016

The equity capital of Belarusian companies (except for banks, insurance and state-funded companies, micro- and small-sized companies without departmental affiliation) grew by 0.8% in January-July to Br112.8 billion ($57.6 billion), Belarus’ National Statistical Committee (Belstat) said in a statistical report. Companies’ liabilities stood at Br120.7 billion ($61.7 billion) as of July 1, up by 10.9%…

Russia to lose billions from Ukraine’s association with EU

Trade consequences of regional agreements may be adverse for countries not participating in them, department director of Russian Ministry of Economic Development Maxim Medvedkov said. In particular, Russia’s losses from Ukraine’s associations with the EU may climb to billion values, he added. “These effects are related to surging trade inside the region, sometimes prejudicing turnovers…

Belarus took part in Slovenia’s agricultural fair

Belarus’ national stand has been presented at the international fair of agriculture and food AGRA in Gornja Radgona, Slovenia on August 20-25, the press service of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs informed. The Belarusian National Exposition has featured the Belarusian enterprises of Belneftekhim Concern, Minsk Tractor Plant, Gomselmash, Minsk Kristall Group, Savushkin Product, Santa…