Ukraine: deputy PM cuts growth forecast

Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Stepan Kubiv cut the government’s 2017 economic growth forecast to 1.8% from 3%, citing a trade blockade with separatist-held territories as one of the drivers for the revision. The new forecast is just below the central bank’s revised prediction of 1.9%. Kubiv said growth for 2018 would likely climb to 3%,…

Tajikistan: IMF team welcomes recent efforts to unify the official and market exchange rates

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission, led by Paul Ross, visited Dushanbe on May 17-30 to conduct the 2017 Article IV consultation discussions. The team reportedly welcomed the authorities’ intention to resume discussions on a possible IMF program, and discussed steps that would demonstrate reform progress and pave the way to resume program negotiations. At…

Azerbaijan: inflation to drop to single digits

The Central Bank of Azerbaijan (CBA) believes attainment of a single-digit rate of inflation by late 2017 is feasible, CBA head Elman Rustamov said on May 30. “The forecasts of international organizations, including the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, for the rate of change of consumer prices in Azerbaijan are positive,” he said.…