Russia: harvesting of grains and legumes

According to official data, by July 8, Russian farmers have threshed 2579 thousand ha (5.5%) of grains and legumes against 1777.5 thousand ha by the same date in 2015. 11221.5 KMT was harvested with average yield 4.35 MT/ha (in 2015 – 6698.4 KMT with 3.77 MT/ha). Wheat was threshed from 1670.3 thousand ha (6.1%), up…

Kazakhstan: starting wheat yields quite high

Crops harvesting started in Baydibek District of South Kazakhstan region. Total planted area reaches 31.824 thousand ha. 6.6 KMT of wheat have been already harvested from 3.54 thousand ha of planted area with average yields at 1.86 MT/ha. Productivity is quite high in the region. Average wheat yields reached 1.14-1.15 MT/ha in the country. The…

Kazakhstan: barley exports down in May 2016

In May Kazakhstan exported 6.55 KMT of barley (6.32 KMT in May 2015), 5.8 KMT of which were shipped to Iran. During September-May of the 2015/2016 season barley exports from Kazakhstan reached 792 KMT which was significantly higher than shipments during the same period last season (+79%). During September-May of 2014/2015 MY 442.7 KMT of…