Ukraine: 40% of sunflower harvested

Ukrainian farmers continue harvesting sunflower. As of September 19, 2362.2 thousand ha or 40% of the intended area had been threshed (5905 thousand ha), down by 8% YoY (2183 thousand ha). 4963.1 KMT of sunseed had been obtained with the average yield of 2.1 MT/ha. Last year on the same date 4374 KMT had been…

Egypt to send delegation to Russia over wheat dispute

Egypt, the world’s biggest wheat importer, will send officials on Monday to thrash out a deal to end the standoff, which saw Moscow respond by suspending imports of Egyptian citrus fruit. Russia’s health agency announced last week that it was introducing “temporary restrictions” to potentially “high risk” Egyptian produce. Egyptian Commerce and Industry Minister Tarek…

Ukraine: sugar exports up in 2015/2016

The national association of sugar producers Ukrtsukor has assessed sugar exports from Ukraine for 2015/2016 agricultural year (September-August) at 113,000 tons, up by 3% YoY. According to the association, in money terms sugar exports in 2015/2016 agri-year totaled $52.6 million, not taking into account white sugar made from imported cane raw sugar on a tolling…