Russia: wheat exports up in August 2016

According to preliminary data, in August Russia exported 3217.7 KMT of wheat, up by 7.7% YoY. Over two months of season 2016/2017 wheat exports from Russia increased by more than 10%, to 4771.9 KMT against 4324,2 KMT in July-August 2015/2016 MY. Turkey, Egypt and Bangladesh remained the main importers during this period. In August, Russia…

Russia: grain harvest forecast lowered

In the current year, the general grain harvest in Russia will not exceed 113 million tons in clean weight, the Director of the Department of plant growing, chemicalization and plant protection at the Ministry of Agriculture Petr Chekmarev announced. The Ministry lowered the forecast of maximum harvest volumes from 116 million tons to 113 million…

Russia: corn exports to hit record

Corn harvesting in Russia is gaining pace. This grain harvest has been gathered from about 20% of the intended area, but it is already clear now that Russian corn production will be record high. The starting yields pleased producers. Moreover, as harvesting proceeds, corn productivity increases. Given the expansion of corn acreage in the country…