Russia: grain output up over last 10 years

Russia has increased grain output by one third, or around 30 million tons, over the last 10 years, Agriculture Minister Alexander Tkachyov said. “Grain production in Russia increased by one third over the last 10 years. In absolute figures, this is around 30 million tons, which is comparable with annual volume of Russian grain exports”,…

Belarus: measures taken to resume dairy export to Russia

Belarus’ Agriculture and Food Ministry is taking measures to help its three enterprises regain access to the Russian market, Alexander Subbotin, Deputy Agriculture and Food Minister – Director of the Veterinary and Food Supervision Department, said. “Rosselkhoznadzor’s claims are about the quality of registration of the dried milk conformity declarations”, the deputy minister explained. “We…

Russia: rapeseed oil output down

According to the official statistics figures, in 2015/2016 MY (August-July) Russia produced 334.2 thousand tons of crude rapeseed oil, down by 21% compared with the season-2014/2015 (424.7 thousand tons). Most Federal Districts faced the downward trends in production, and only the Volga District demonstrated the growth rates (up by 13%; to 19.8 thousand tons), and…

Kazakhstan: spring grain harvesting started

At the beginning of last week weather conditions were favorable for completion of winter wheat harvesting in the South and South East. Crops condition is mainly good and stage of development is full ripeness. In the reporting period conditions were also favorable for growth and development of spring grain crops and grain filling, though short-term…