European power grid network ENTSO-E would connect to the Baltic States’ grids within 24 hours if the three countries were disconnected by Russia, the Lithuanian power grid operator Litgrid said.
“If Russia disconnects us, even today, we would be ready,” Litgrid CEO Rokas Masiulis told a news conference on July 13.
When asked whether a disconnection from the common electricity system with Belarus and Russia (BRELL) would mean restrictions on electricity consumption, Masiulis said that “there would be no major consequences in this area”.
“We would effectively ensure the operation of our system, the three Baltic countries together, and there is an agreement with Europe to synchronise within 24 hours,” he added.
BRELL is an agreement between the five countries’ electricity grid operators on technical conditions and rules for managing the systems to ensure the required power quality parameters and maintain a stable and reliable electricity supply.
The Baltic countries are planning to synchronise their grids with the continental European system and disconnect from the BRELL system until late 2025.
Energy ministers from all three Baltic countries called on the EU to speed up the process after Russia invaded Ukraine in late February. (LRT/Business World Magazine)