State Road Administration will be reorganized into the Joint Stock Company National Administration of Roads with full state capital. A draft law was approved by the Parliament on May 25.
The reorganization will be carried out in three stages. At the first stage, the evaluation of the patrimony of State Administration of Roads will be carried out, in the second – the consolidation of shareholdings through the procurement by the state of privately owned shareholdings, and the last stage involves the absorption of joint-stock companies specialized in the maintenance of public roads.
The Public Property Agency will transfer to the central authority specialized in the road infrastructure for administration the areas of public land owned by the state related to national roads. Also, the specialized central authority will hand over to the administration the national roads and the public land surfaces of the state related to the national roads at the balance sheet value, with their subsequent evaluation, under the terms of the concession contract concluded between it and National Road Administration for a period of 35 years. (Moldpres/Business World Magazine)