11th Wine Vernissage will take place at the National Palace of Moldova on December 15.
The event, called “The Magic Vernissage”, will bring together 36 wineries, which are going to present more than 200 wines, including 50 premier ones.
“A vine vernissage traditionally offers winemakers an opportunity to display new products on the threshold of the winter holidays as well as wines that have won numerous international awards during the year”, Director of the Vine-and-Wine Office of Moldova Gheorghe Arpentin said.
The budget of the event has been estimated at MDL 150,000, participants’ costs excluded. USAID-funded Competitiveness Project has become a strategic partner of the vernissage. Wine vernissages have been held in Moldova twice a year since 2011 and aim at enhancing the wine-drinking culture and promoting new wines and consumption trends through direct communication between winemakers and consumers. As part of the vernissages, wine contests and sommelier master classes are organized and awards are given to wine-friendly restaurants. Usually a vernissage attracts 1,000 to 1,200 guests. 10% of the incomes from selling tickets are diverted to back young and gifted winemakers. (InfoMarket/Business World Magazine)