On November 14-20, it was cooler than usual and insignificant precipitation was registered. The average weekly air temperature in the country was +1.1-3.7 degrees C, or 1.0-1.5 C below normal. Minimum air temperatures reached 6 degrees C below zero.
Almost no precipitation was observed during the week, just at most 1-3 mm (5-35% of normal) was locally reported.
The weather conditions were largely fair for growth and development of winter crops. Growth of winter crops was poor in the first half of the week due to lower temperatures. Winter wheat was mostly at emergence and three-leaf stages, even at tillering in some southern areas.
In winter wheat plantings, the productive moisture content in the top and one-meter soil layers was 95-190% of normal as of November 18. (UkrAgroConsult/Business World Magazine)