Ukraine: UIA advocates liberalization of aviation market with eastern countries

Ukraine International Airlines (UIA, Kyiv), the largest Ukrainian airlines, believes that the aviation market with eastern countries should be liberalized, UIA President Yuriy Miroshnikov said. “The European market is liberalized enough. Dear managers of the sector, use your liberalization efforts in the East. There are examples of liberal approach, such as Georgia, Kazakhstan, and tough…

Russia: throughput of seaports up in H1 2016

In January-June Russian seaports handled 344.5 million tons of cargo (up by 6% YoY), said the press center of Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (Rosmorrechflot). Transshipment of dry bulk cargo totaled 156.8 million tons (+10.7%), liquid bulk cargo – 187.7 million tons (+2.3%). Operators of the Arctic Basin terminals handled 21.28 million tons (+…

Ukraine: Danube Declaration on inland waterways development signed

According to the Ministry of Infrastructure, Ukraine has signed the Danube Declaration on inland waterway development. The Danube Declaration was adopted on June 7, 2012 in Luxembourg at Ministerial Meeting on the Danube affairs. Transport ministers and heads of delegations from Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Romania and Slovakia adopted the Declaration. Countries-signatories of…