Azerbaijan to transport gas from Iran and Iraq to Europe

Azerbaijan is considering the possibility of transporting Iranian gas through its territory to Europe, said Azerbaijan’s Deputy Energy Minister Natig Abbasov. He noted that it would become possible through Iran’s joining the Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP) project. Abbasov didn’t exclude possibility of transporting Iraqi gas through Azerbaijan to Europe. TANAP project envisages transportation of…

Russia: fishing fleet equipped with Gonets sattelite system of domestic origin

On August 25, Federal Government-Financed Institution “Center of Fishery Monitoring and Communications” (CFMC) of the Federal Fishery Agency in cooperation with Gonets Sattelite System OJSC, operator of State Space Corporation Roscosmos on communication systems, launched yet another vessel within the framework of the pilot development of electronic ship’s fishing log, says CFMC. The vessel will…