Ukraine: Boryspil Airport resumes talks with Ryanair in new format

Boryspil International Airport is resuming negotiations with the Irish low-cost airline Ryanair in a new format, the airport’s director general, Pavlo Riabikin, has reported on Facebook. “I have met with representatives of the country’s leading television media. Such interaction with journalists helped deeply consider urgent issues without unnecessary emotions. I’m confident that we managed to…

Ukraine: Boryspil airport provides discounts only to UIA in 2013-2016

The state-owned enterprise Boryspil International Airport in 2013-2016 provided discounts to the airport fees only to the private joint-stock company Ukraine International Airlines (UIA, Kyiv), according to recommendations of the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine dated June 14 and published recently. “The discounts were not provided to other airlines,” the committee said. The committee said that…