Ukraine: gas import price up in February 2017

Ukrainian enterprises in February imported gas at an average price of UAH 6,681.88, or $246.88 per 1,000 cubic meters, the Ukrainian Ministry of Economic Development and Trade reported on its website. In January the price of imported gas was $229.51 (UAH 6,032.85). The price of imported gas in January 2016 was $231.41 (UAH 5,542.82), $200.39…

Kyrgyzstan: EDB allocates $110 million to commission second unit of Kambarata HPP-2

The Ministry of Finance of Kyrgyzstan and the Eurasian Development Bank signed an agreement on granting an investment loan from the Eurasian Stabilization and Development Fund to finance the project “Commissioning of the second hydroelectric unit of Kambarata HPP-2” for $110 million. In addition to the construction and commissioning of the second hydrounit of the…

Tajikistan: electricity rates for four categories raised

Tajikistan has raised electricity rates for four of eight categories of electricity consumers. By government’s decree issued on February 24, electricity rates have been raised for federally funded institutions, including public utilities and sports complexes, electric transport, pumping stations for mechanized irrigation and repair-and-production bases of the Agency for Land Reclamation and Irrigation under the…