Estonia: network operator signs framework agreements for next four years

Estonian distribution network operator Elektrilevi has entered into framework agreements with suppliers in six regions. The volume of the contracts reaches some EUR 40 million to be spent on extending, maintaining, and repairing Estonia’s electricity distribution network. The framework agreements are the most far-reaching yet, covering a large number of jobs and suppliers and outlining…

Ukraine: gas withdrawal up due to cold snap

Ukrainian energy and coal industry minister’s advisor Maksym Beliavsky says because of the cold snap on February 24-25, Ukraine has increased gas withdrawal from its underground storage facilities (USFs) to 101 million cubic meters per day, the maximum level for the entire 2017-2018 heating season. “Ukraine, because of the temperature drop, has increased the pumping…

Ukraine: gas stocks down

Natural gas stocks in Ukraine’s underground storage facilities (USFs) on February 10-17 shrank by 5.2%, or 611 million cubic meters, from 11.681 billion cubic meters on the previous week to 11.070 billion cubic meters. In particular, 91.27 million cubic meters of gas were withdrawn from the storage facilities on February 17 alone, the state-run gas…