As of July 7, Russian agrarians continued harvesting grain and pulses. Agrarians harvested grain crops throughout the areas of 2.2 million ha (1.4 million ha in 2015), and produced 9.6 million tons of grain, with the average yield of 4.33 t/ha (5.3 million tons with the yield of 3.81 t/ha in 2015), the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation reported.
In particular, in the Southern Federal District agrarians harvested grain and pulses throughout 1 million ha. The produced volumes reached 5.1 million tons of grain, with the average yield of 4.91 t/ha.
The North Caucasian District harvested 3.7 million tons of grain throughout 0.9 million ha. The yield totaled 4.14 t/ha.
Russia harvested 2.2 million tons of winter and spring barley throughout 514.7 million ha. The average yield totaled 4.21 t/ha.
At the same time, Krasnodar and Stavropol Krais, the Republic of Adygea and the Chechen Republic harvested winter rapeseed throughout 32.5 thousand ha and produced 63.2 thousand tons of the oilseed, with the average yield of 1.94 t/ha. (APK-Inform/Business World Magazine)