Latvia: changes expected for natural gas tariffs

Gaso has turned to Latvia’s Public Utilities Commission (SPRK), submitting a new tariff project for natural gas transmission system. This project provides for an increase of fixed and variable components only for small connections with low consumption, as reported by Gaso. It provides for a small fixed fee increase of 5% for second to eighth…

Latvia: GDP down in Q2 2020

In April-June, compared to Q2 2019, gross domestic product (GDP) decreased by 8.9% (according to seasonally and calendar non-adjusted data). In the first half of the year GDP reduced by 5.4%. In Q2, GDP at constant prices was EUR 6.9 billion. As compared to the previous quarter, GDP fell by 6.5% (according to seasonally and…

Latvia: Competition Council to monitor Liepaja SEZ management model change

Competition Council (KP) promises to follow possible competition restrictions that could follow after the change of the management model of Lieapaja special economic zone (Liepaja SEZ), as explained in the letter sent by KP to Liepaja Port Tenants Association. At the beginning of August Liepaja Port Tenants Association “categorically objected” to Transport Ministry’s developed amendments…