Poland: CPI up in May 2023

Prices of consumer goods and services (Consumer Price Index, CPI) rose by 13% YoY and were unchanged month on month in May, the Central Statistical Office (GUS) reported on May 31. In a flash estimate, GUS said that May’s CPI would reach 13% YoY and remain flat month on month. In April, the prices of…

Moldova: three bridges across Prut River to be reconstructed till late 2027

The Cabinet on May 31 approved the ratification of the Moldovan-Romanian agreements on the modernization of three cross-border bridges across the Prut River, signed on May 9. The document envisages the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the bridges Leuseni (Moldova) – Albita (Romania), Cahul (Moldova) – Oancea (Romania) and Sculeni (Moldova) – Sculeni (Romania), the government’s…

Ukraine: increasing electricity tariff necessary step to restore energy system and prepare for next winter

The Government has approved a decision to increase the electricity tariff for households to UAH 2.64 per kW. According to the Minister of Energy of Ukraine, German Galushchenko, this decision is extremely difficult, but necessary for large-scale preparation of the power system for the next heating season, which is underway at the country’s energy facilities.…