Belarus’ sugar manufacturers association (Belsugar) is due to hold an open tender on December 2, to choose suppliers of 106,500 units of sugar beet seeds worth Br21.5 million ($11.251 million), a Belsugar official reported.
Both resident and non-resident companies are invited to take part in the tender. The closing date for applications is December 1. Belsugar wants the seeds supplied in the period from February 10 till March 10, 2017.
The seeds will be purchased for Belarus’ sugar plants.
There are four sugar plants in Belarus (based in Gorodeya, Zhabinka, Skidel, Slootsk), which process 28,000 tons of sugar beet a day. The sugar capacity of Belarus’ home market totals 380,000 tons and is expected to grow to 720,000 tons. (Prime-TASS/Business World Magazine)