Last week weather was hot and rains were minor falling locally in the Eastern and Northern regions. Average daily air temperature ranged from +18.3C to 25.2C and was 2.9-5.7C higher than norm.
Light rains varied from 5 to 16.6 mm, with the norm of 21-23 mm for this period. Such conditions were unfavorable for the growth and development of late grain crops. Rapid soil moisture evaporation was observed amid high air and upper soil layer temperatures, as well as low air humidity. Dry conditions caused the phenomena of hot winds.
Corn in the Southern parts of Ukraine undergoes the first stage of milky ripeness, and in some places flowering of ear-head is still observed. Plants height is 201-247 cm. On average corn plant has formed 2 heads. Their condition is good. Soil moisture stocks in 1 m layer are insufficient – 65-74 mm. (UkrAgroConsult/Business World Magazine)