Hungary: EC to cease probe into Paks with Russia’s assistance

The European Commission (EC) will cease investigation into Hungary’s Paks nuclear power plant project with Russia’s participation as Budapest has provided all necessary explanations regarding construction of two new nuclear reactors at the facility, Bloomberg reported citing Benedek Javor, a Hungarian deputy at the European parliament. Hungary has provided sufficient justification why the construction contract…

Turkmenistan: Belarusian builders of Garlyk MPF to install third tunneling machine

Belarusian builders of the Garlyk mining and processing factory in Turkmenistan are getting ready to lower the third tunneling machine into the shaft, the press service of the Council of the Republic of Belarus reported. Chairman of the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of Belarus Mikhail Myasnikovich oversees the project’s implementation. According…

Greece: TAP’s construction progressing

The construction of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), which is designed to transport Azerbaijani gas to Europe, is progressing in Greece. TAP AG tweeted that over 17 km line pipes have been strung and 5 km welded along the pipeline route in Greece. On August 24, TAP AG tweeted that it started welding pipes in…