Poland: Asians replace Ukrainians on labour market

The number of Asians working in economic sectors previously dominated by Poles and Ukrainians is increasing every month, according to the newspaper Rzeczpospolita. Asian workers, from countries such as the Philippines and Indonesia, are becoming common-place in the manufacturing, hospitality and construction sectors, the paper writes. They are taking the place, it appears, of Ukrainians…

Poland: CPI up in July 2023

Prices of consumer goods and services (Consumer Price Index, CPI) rose by 10.8% YoY and were down by 0.2% MoM in July, the Central Statistical Office (GUS) reported on August 14. GUS confirmed its figures reported earlier in a flash CPI estimate. In June, the prices of consumer goods and services increased by 11.5% YoY…

Poland: corporate bankruptcies up in O2 2023

97 companies went bankrupt in Poland in the second quarter of 2023, up by 21.3% YoY, the Central Statistical Office (GUS) reported. The number of newly registered companies totalled 88,549 in the April-June period, down by 5.5%, GUS wrote on August 10. According to GUS, the number of bankruptcies increased mainly in the industrial sector…

Poland: banks plan to tighten lending criteria

Polish banks plan to tighten the lending criteria for all types of loans in the third quarter, a survey of lending committee chiefs conducted by the Central Bank has shown. Lenders are expected to especially tighten the criteria for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), continuing a trend started in the second quarter. Demand for corporate…

Poland: exports to Ukraine up in 2022 and 2023

Poland became in 2022 the second biggest exporter to Ukraine after China, a government-affiliated economic think-tank reported. “With a 10% share, Poland became the second biggest supplier to Ukraine after China in 2022,” the Polish Economic Institute (PIE) said. “Poland advanced from the fourth place and overtook Germany and Russia,” PIE wrote, adding that, according…