Georgia: rich hazelnut harvest expected

Hazelnut harvest will exceed 50,000 tons in Georgia, the Hazelnut Growers Association has reported. More than 90% of the harvest will be exported, and the key markets will be Italy and Germany. The association noted rapid development of the sector over the past few years. If the climatic conditions and amount of pests remain stable,…

Georgia: lari to continue appreciating

Experts expect the Georgian lari to continue appreciating at least until the end of the year, if some unexpected event does not occur. This opinion is based on the opening of the economy after the coronavirus breakout. “The Georgian lari has appreciated by 10%, which is rare in the recent history of Georgia. I expect…

Georgia: train travel resumes on June 15, 2020

Travel by railway will resume in Georgia on June 15, Georgian Railways has announced, noting the company is ready to ensure the safe transportation of passengers and to implement the regulations imposed by the Ministry of Health. Georgian Railway said that the Ministry of Health had already inspected train wagons and concluded that Georgian Railways…