Bulgaria: honey industry struggles with import woes

Manol Todorov, a leading figure in the Strandzha honey industry, has expressed optimism about the 2024 harvest for mann honey. Todorov, instrumental in establishing the Strandzhanski manov med Protected Designation of Origin in 2019 and founding the local honey producers’ association, conveyed concerns about selling their honey. According to him, despite favorable harvest expectations, challenges…

Bulgaria: new finance minister prioritizes Eurozone and full Schengen membership

The newly appointed Acting Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Lyudmila Petkova, has reaffirmed the country’s commitment to joining the Eurozone, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and achieving full-fledged Schengen membership. Speaking at the ceremony marking her assumption of office from her predecessor Asen Vassilev, Petkova outlined her priorities for the…

Bulgaria: customs officers play key role in combating migrant trafficking to Britain

Customs officer Georgi Gospodinov keeps a vigilant eye out for unusual cargo at Bulgaria’s Kapitan Andreevo border crossing, a critical checkpoint in the fight against migrant trafficking to Britain. Despite being over 150 kilometers from the nearest sea, Gospodinov and his colleagues have become instrumental in thwarting smugglers’ attempts to transport migrants across the English…