Azerbaijan: inflation to drop to single digits

The Central Bank of Azerbaijan (CBA) believes attainment of a single-digit rate of inflation by late 2017 is feasible, CBA head Elman Rustamov said on May 30. “The forecasts of international organizations, including the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, for the rate of change of consumer prices in Azerbaijan are positive,” he said.…

Azerbaijan: economy to grow in 2018

The Moody’s Investors Service international ratings agency has forecast the Azerbaijani economy to grow by 1.8% in 2018, Petr Paklin, the agency analyst, said at the Moody’s Annual Azerbaijan Summit in Baku on May 25. He noted that Azerbaijan’s GDP growth was highly dependent on the level of oil prices. If the oil prices remain…

Azerbaijan: economy to grow in 2018

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has forecast a 2% growth of Azerbaijan’s economy in 2018, according to the EBRD’s updated Regional Economic Prospects report. The bank forecasts Azerbaijan’s economy to contract by 0.5% in 2017, according to the report. After a brief period of volatility in the beginning of 2017, the Azerbaijani…