More than 450 cars operate on the Kyiv Metro lines every day. For proper and safe operation, they require periodic scheduled overhauls. This was reported by the Kyiv Metro Enterprise.
The overhaul of all types of rolling stock is carried out at the Kyiv Metro Car Repair Plant, which is equipped with all the necessary equipment to carry out these works. Narrow-profile specialists work on the restoration of metro cars, who control each stage of the repair and ensure the safe operation of trains.
During the overhaul, the car is completely disassembled, in particular, the wall, ceiling and floor coverings are dismantled, and all equipment is thoroughly diagnosed. If necessary or in accordance with the regulations, materials and structural parts are replaced. They check the mechanisms of doors, windows, ventilation, lighting, etc., as well as clean and repaint the body and bogies of the cars.
Each stage of the repair of parts and components is carried out in specially equipped workshops. The longest is the repair of traction motors, wheelsets, bogie frames, electrical and brake equipment, because these systems directly affect traffic safety. The overhaul of one car lasts from a month to a month and a half, depending on the scope of work.
Scheduled overhaul is an integral part of the comprehensive maintenance of the entire infrastructure of the capital’s metro. It is thanks to timely repairs that the subway operates smoothly, and passengers can use safe and comfortable transport every day. (Kyiv City Portal)