Ukraine: grape harvest is likely to decrease in 2024

As preliminarily estimated by the industry-specific corporation, Ukraine’s grape harvest may reduce by 30% in 2024 compared to the previous year. The relevant statement was made by Ukrvinprom Viticulture and Wine Production Industry Corporation CEO Volodymyr Kucherenko. “The decline in the yielding capacity was caused by several factors, such as the full-scale invasion, weather conditions…

Baltic States: Lithuanian economy is performing significantly better than that of Latvia or especially Estonia

Lithuania’s economy is bubbling promisingly, Latvia’s is stagnating and Estonia’s is struggling in a prolonged downturn. Both major Lithuanian commercial banks, Swedbank and SEB, have ticked up Lithuania’s forecast for the year, boosting confidence that the economy is on the right track. Swedbank is projecting a GDP increase of 2.2% and SEB is predicting a…

Bulgaria: ice cream production decreases

The ice cream industry in Bulgaria is facing a significant decline, with production dropping by between 60% and 70% over the past six years. Eurostat data revealed that in 2018 Bulgaria produced 29.6 million liters of ice cream, marking the highest output ever. However, production fell to 19 million liters in 2020, further decreasing to…

Baltic States: Fibenol picks Valmiera as potential biorefinery site

Estonian biotech company Fibenol has begun feasibility and environmental impact studies at the Valmiera industrial park, to determine its suitability for the potential establishment of a biorefinery, the company has announced. Following the public tender, a construction rights agreement was signed on August 27 between subsidiary Fibenol Latvia Ltd and local government in Valmiera, around…