Two international consortia have contracted to develop technologies for dismantling the reactors of Lithuania’s Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (INPP) for around 11 million euros, not including VAT, in total.
The plant was shut down more than a decade ago and was now being decommissioned. On January 11, the INPP signed two contracts for design services for reactor dismantling technologies with some of the largest companies in the world’s nuclear energy market.
These are a consortium that is led by Westinghouse Electric Spain, a subsidiary of US Westinghouse Electric, and also includes Jacobs Slovakia and the Lithuanian Energy Institute, and a consortium that is led by Electricite de France and also includes Graphitec. In late December 2022, the INPP signed preliminary contracts with the contractors for a period of four years, each with a maximum price of 5.5 million euros (excluding VAT).
Lithuania shut down the first RBMK-type reactor of the Soviet-era facility in late 2004 and closed the second unit at the end of 2009. (BNN/Business World Magazine)