“Livestock section reports sustainable growth of 4%,” Agriculture Minister Saparkhan Omarov has said.
Lending and extra subsiding measures yielded results. As a result, farm animals’ population increased. Meat production grew this year by 5.8% and poultry by 15.8%. Milk and meat processing increased by 7% and by 8% correspondingly. Dairy plants and meat cutting plants workload increased by 18% and 21.6% correspondingly.
KazAgro channeled for livestock development KZT 156,500 in 2019. KZT 19.1 billion was invested in 16 new projects. 54 investment projects worth KZT 64.3 billion were put on-stream in 2019.
It is planned to buy 100,000 heads of cattle and 300,000 heads of goats and sheep. Projects for the production of 46,000 tons of milk and 30,000 of poultry meat will be carried out in 2020. (Kazinform/Business World Magazine)