Meat production increased in Kazakhstan, Minister of Agriculture Saparkhan Omarov declared at a Government hour in Majilis.
“Production of meat in slaughter weight in 2019 increased by 5.8% and amounted to 1.1 million tons,” said Saparkhan Omarov.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture, over the past 5 years the number of cattle in the country has increased by 23.3% and reached 7.4 million heads. As for the small cattle, its number increased by 6.6% and amounted to 19.1 million heads, and horses – 2.8 million heads, up by 45.8%.
“The structure of the industry is changing, as in 2014 the share of cattle in organized farms was only 35.1%, now it equals to 44.9%. In general, meat provision in Kazakhstan is more than 85%. Speaking about beef, lamb, horsemeat and pork, the share of imports does not exceed 5% of total consumption. The country imports frozen meat for processing,” Saparkhan Omarov explained.
The exception, according to him, is poultry meat as the share of imports in domestic consumption is 44.7%. In general, according to the FAO classification (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), food security is ensured when 80% of consumption is ensured by domestic production. (Kazinform/Business World Magazine)