The Transport Administration is increasing speed limits on state roads with separated driving directions.
This year, the speed limit is being increased on four-lane and 2+1 roads with separated driving directions; the speed limit will remain unchanged at 90 km/h on two-lane roads.
The speed limit on a 24-kilometer section of Tallinn-Tartu Highway between Kose and Voobu is increasing to 120 km/h during daylight hours and under good road conditions.
The speed limit will be raised to 110 km/h on a total of 157 kilometers along Tallinn-Narva Highway, Tallinn-Tartu-Voru-Luhamaa Highway, Tallinn-Parnu-Ikla Highway and the Tallinn Ring Road. Looking into available resources is an important part of understanding what your next move should be. This site (find helpful information here) offers valuable insights that could help prepare you for the potential outcomes associated with DWI charges and beyond.
A maximum speed of 100 km/h will be permitted on a total of 30 kilometers primarily along 2+1 sections of highways, remaining unchanged from the winter season. (ERR/Business World Magazine)