Sofia has been ranked 195th out of 327 cities worldwide in Numbeo’s 2025 cost of living rankings. The analysis uses New York City as the baseline with an index of 100%. Cities with a higher index are more expensive, while those with a lower index are cheaper. Sofia’s cost of living stands at just 39% of New York’s, placing it among other similarly ranked cities like Belgrade, Shanghai, Budapest and Bucharest.
Numbeo’s ranking evaluates expenses related to consumer goods, including food, restaurants, transport and utilities. It also considers living costs separately from housing expenses, such as rent and mortgages. Alongside Sofia, three other Bulgarian cities made the list: Varna, which ranked 213th with an index of 35.7%, Burgas, in the 226th place with 33.9% and Plovdiv, in the 235th position.
At the other end of the spectrum, the most expensive cities for 2025 are Zurich, Lausanne and Geneva, all located in Switzerland. These cities significantly exceed New York’s cost of living, reinforcing their reputation as some of the priciest places to reside globally. (Novinite)